Tuesday 14 October 2014

U.S. Congressional Report: China Altering The Military Balance Of Power In The Asia Pacific

From: War News Updates Editor

U.S. Congressional Report: China Altering The Military Balance Of Power In The Asia Pacific
Beijing's military planners know they cannot rely on China's size alone as a deterrent

China Military Buildup Shifts Balance of Power in Asia in Beijing's Favor -- Washington Free Beacon

Congressional report warns the danger of U.S.-China conflict is rising

China's decades-long buildup of strategic and conventional military forces is shifting the balance of power in Asia in Beijing's favor and increasing the risk of a conflict, according to a forthcoming report by a congressional China commission.

China's military has greatly expanded its air and naval forces and is sharply increasing its missile forces, even while adopting a more hostile posture against the United States and regional allies in Asia, states a late draft of the annual report of the bipartisan U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

As a result, "the potential for security miscalculation in the region is rising," the report said, using the euphemism for a conflict or shootout between Chinese forces and U.S. forces or those of its regional allies.

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