Tuesday 14 October 2014


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From: <eCruzi>


They deliberately set Armoured Tanks on fire and ran into the bush instead of attacking the terrorist.how can it be explained that Tanks that cost up to $1million each or more will be willfully destroyed by Commissioned Officers.

The Nigerian Army has announced that a Colonel, some junior officers and soldiers helping and working hand-in-hand with members of the Islamic terror group, Boko Haram in the North East has been apprehended.

The military personnel were involved in the offensive to reclaim communities taken over by the Boko Haram terrorists in Adamawa State. Army authorities were angered by the report and ordered the arrest of the commander, the junior officers as well as the soldiers under his command.

The colonel who is a Muslim was Commanding a team of three Armoured Personnel Carriers, APC's, with the capability of firing up to a range of 1.5kilometres or more, deliberately set the APCs on fire between Gulak and Madagali, and ran into the bush with his team instead of firing at the advancing terrorists.

A source that was aware of the development revealed that before the embarrassing incident occurred, the Special Forces of the Nigerian Army who commenced the putsch to rout Boko Haram terrorists from Bazza, Michika, Gulak and Madagali from Vimtim, had successfully dealt with the sect, and inflicted heavy casualties on the terrorists up till Gulak.

He said between Gulak and Madagali, the Colonel who had all along been prided with air surveillance reports, was again informed that Boko Haram terrorists were approaching his team in six Toyota Hilux Pick Up vans from the Madagali axis of the state.

"However, rather than blasting and taking out the terrorists in their pick-up vans; he ordered his soldiers to jump out of the APC's and set the armoured tanks on fire, without realising that he was being monitored.
This was shocking because the terrorists were armed with weaponry which were grossly inferior to the firepower of the Nigerian Army Armoured tanks.

After accomplishing the sabotage act, the Colonel and the junior officers and soldiers ran away into the bush, claiming that they were overpowered by a better armed group of Boko Haram terrorists," the source said. The source further disclosed that the action of the Colonel and soldiers under his command ascertained the believes by the top hierarchy of the military that there were so many fifth columnists in the army working against the country's determination to wipe out Boko Haram terrorists from Nigeria.

However, a Board of Inquiry, had been set up by the Army authorities to investigate the Colonel and his soldiers after which a Military Court Martial would be set up to try them for conspiracy, treason and willful sabotage among others.

Reacting to the development, a senior officer said: "You can now see why the Military Court Martial which is currently sitting is inevitable. The uninformed would feel that soldiers who are fighting the nation's battle are being unjustly punished. But the truth is that many of them are sabotaging Nigeria and making the insurgents look formidable for reasons that cannot be explained. Some of them appear sympathetic to the insurgents. How can it be explained that several APCs that cost up to $1million each in some cases or more will be willfully destroyed by Commissioned Officers, COs, who swore to defend the territorial integrity of their nation, just to help terrorists? That is treason of the highest order.

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.... When Robin was eighteen years old, strong and bold, the Sheriff (governor) of Nottingham announced a shooting competition and offered a prize to whoever should shoot the best in Nottingham. "Now," said Robin, "1 will go too, for then I would win." So up he got and took his good how and a score or arrows, and started off from Locksley Town through Sherwood Forest to Nottingham. It was at the dawn of day in the merry Ma) time, when hedge rows are green and flowers fill the meadows; daisies pied and yellow cuckoo buds and prim roses all along the briery hedges; When apple bud\ blossom and sweet birds sing,. when boys and gm I\ look upon each other \\ oh sweet 'tumulus, when busy housewives spread Wen to bleach upon the bright green grass. Sweet was the giceimood as he walked along its paths, and bright the green and rustling leaves, amid which the little birds sang with might: and merrily Robin w histled as he walked along. thinking of Marian and her bright eyes, for at such times a youth's thoughts are on the girl that he loves the most. As he walked along with a brisk step and a ' merry whistle, he came suddenly upon some .... TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW...JOIN US TOMORROW FOR MORE ON THIS FUNNY AND EXCITING STORY }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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