Sunday 5 October 2014

Ladies, He will only marry you when…

Culled From: Kemi Filani here to join to our channel.or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija

Ladies, He will only marry you when… A couple
If you want a marriage proposal promptly from your boyfriend, embrace these tips:

  1. Appreciate his family: Never make negative comments about mothers-in-law. Let him know his mother is as special to you just as she is to him. Show love to his siblings too.
  2. Don't be bossy: When you make a man feel he is the head and not a schoolboy, who, you can intimidate, he will start thinking of marrying you.
  3. Don't play hard-to-get: What he wants is an honest straight-shooter. Though he might be intrigued by a hard-to-get lady in the beginning, as soon as he decides that he is interested in her, he believes you should be real.
  4. Never attempt to change him: Never attempt to change his friends and his hobbies either. Some women claim to love a man 'just the way he is' but little by little, they want to change everything about him. First, it's his wardrobe, then; it's his taste in music. here to join to our channel.or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija

  1. You are not jealous: Learn to trust. A jealous woman is on edge always because she is very distrusting. Just because you have been hurt in the past, don't be on guard for anything that looks or feels wrong. When a man first meets such a woman, he wants to reassure her that he is nothing like that guy in her past.
  2. You are not clingy: Don't be too difficult for a man to date, let alone marry. At first, he is flattered that you are so in love with him and wants to be around him always; but very quickly, he feels overwhelmed and suffocated by you. As a woman, you must have something going on in your own life so that you are not always clinging to him.
  3. Don't compare him with your father: Not all men like to be viewed as a father figure. Initially, he might like how you seek his approval and answers to all of your questions, but soon, he realises that he wants to be intimate with a real woman. here to join to our channel.or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija

  1. Not tied to your mother's apron string: A man can propose to you when he realises you don't call on your mother always to make a decision on your affair with him. He gets scared the more when you cannot do without getting her opinion on everything.
  2. You don't gossip: Most guys are turned off when you always love to gossip and talk about other people. Not only that, when you love to hear things about other people as well.
  3. Stop undue comparison: A lady, who is constantly talking about what other people do and what they have, places a lot of undue pressure on her man. Be yourself, live your size per time and shun pretences. here to join to our channel.or just search bbmchannel prettypeoplenaija {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ VERDANT STORIES SECTION

.... How Robin Hood Come to Be an OUTLAW Long time ago in England. when good King Henry the Second ruled the land, there lived within the green leaves of Sherwood Forest. near Nottingham Town, a famous outlaw whose name was Robin Hood, No archer ever lived that shot an arrow with such skill and cunning as his. nor were there ever such lighters as the seven score merry men that roamed with hint through the greenwood shades. Merrily they lived within the depths of Sherwood Forest, with no care or want, but passing the time in merry games o farchery or bouts of stick fighting, eating the King's meat, washed down with alcohol brewed in October. Not only Robin himself but the entire band were outlaws and lived apart from other men, yet they were loved by the people around. for no one ever came to Robin for help in time of need and went away again with an empty hand. And now I will tell how Robin Hood became an outlaw. .... TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW...JOIN US TOMORROW FOR MORE ON THIS FUNNY AND EXCITING STORY }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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